
Today We have to analyze a graph about four european countries, Germany, France, Italy and Austria in relation to the money that these countries spent on books. The above evaluated in millions dollars. 

In Germany, the Money spent on books  does not change a lot between the years 1995 and 2005. But between 1995 and 1999 the rate slightly incrase to decrease until 2003, then the rate go up to finish in 2005 with almost one hundred million dolars.

In France, the  rate just incrase, but between the years 2001 and 2005 the money spent remain steady to finish with a little more than 70 million dollars, growing just 20 million dollars in totaly. 

In year 1995, Italy spent 50 million dollars, the rate little fluctuate until 1999 but the rate remain steady to slightly  grow up to 2005 to finish with a little more than 60 million dollars spent of books. 

Finally, Austria start with 30 million dollars spent and the rate increase to 40 million dollars in 1999 to stay the same until 2001 when the rate significantly sore up to 2003. Between 2003 and 2005 the rate rise 10 million dollars to finish with 70 million dollars spent. 

In conclusion, after analyzing the graph we can say that these countries in Europe have increased the purchase of books between 1995 and 2005. What could reveal thet they have a large cultural caputal, among other things; being Germany the country that more destines money in books, nevertheless, also it is the country with greater  amount of inhabitants. Finally, the graph is consistent with the number of inhabitants that these countries have. 


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