Problem and solution

Anthropology in the University of Chile, is a career adressing to people who wants to know and realize systematic and rigorous studies about societies and human behavior in the past and present.  Social Anthropology focuses in the study about contemporary human groups, Physical Anthropology studies the human biology in a relationship with culture, and Archaeology which studies past human cultures through investigation of physical evidence.

Don’t exist a research about how much people enter in this career year by year but in accordance with the University of Chile website, number it is around a hundred people (seventy vacancies), from which seventy percent are women approximately.  

In fact, women are the protagonists in the career, but in the practice the man take all the 
space on. Feminine participation it is not reflected in relation to the amount of women 
student who enter. Mainly, this can be appreciated in the quotas of assistanships that are 
granted in the subjects, of wich the majority are destined to men. 

The above mentioned could influence the future? This would complicate the situation even more, and we need to realice research right now.
Palermo (1998) suggest that exist a lot of factors must be considered to account for the phenomenon that has led to the entry of women into the university, in addition to analyzing the specific changes in the behavior of different social actors (especially women and girls) that coexisted in Largely with traditional gender definitions. 


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