Post about Mark Pagel

How do you feel about language and its power? About how this can be seen as a tool which can separate us (about minute 2/ minute 16)? How do you feel about “social learning as social theft? Why? Why not?
Do you agree with the idea of one world, one...
How do you feel about your language? How do you relate it to your identity as an individual and as a Chilean?

I am agree with Mark Pagel, when he talked about the power of lenguage, because is true, the language it is an ideological apparatus that delivers a speech. The language can control the minds and reflects realities and/or beliefs.
Therefore it is use can be used as a mechanism of domination or as the autor suggest, to stablish social relationships and agree on activities. 

About the last idea, the autor talked about the babel tower and said  god invented a lot of languages to separate us. This means the central idea about the construction of language realities, and in this case we can't going to agree things and we will recognize ourselves as different beings. 

In relation with social learning and social thef, the autor said that we are the unique especie with the ability to talk so the another species 


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