Post 7-Someone I'd like to meet

Hello everybody, this blog is about someone I'd like to meet. 

I have to say that I lost 30 minutes thinking about this topic and I don't know who I can write about. Maybe it is because I'm thinking too much and I've tried to take it seriously. So, this blog is going to be about THE BEST CREATOR OF MEMES, of course I'm taking about Sita Santini.

Her real name is Laura, but her social media name is SitaSantini. Santini is a Chilean woman, I don't know her age but She must be between 21 and 25 years old. She created a famous page of memes about famous Chilean women, like Kenita Larraín, Pamela Díaz, Tonca Tomicic, Javiera acevedo and my favorite queen Pamela Jiles<3 (and many others). 

Her proyect started about the idea of female claim in the Chilean memes and mixture with memes about Britney Spears, The Kardashian's, Lady Gaga and many other US queens. 
She never thought that her page would become so famous, she was in shock for a long time, in fact she was interviewed several times.

Her key accomplishments are to be full "máxima", diva, queen, goddess, unattainable and of course she revolutionized the social networking sites with memes <3 GOALS❤💗💚💛💋

Ok, I don't have more information about Sita because her work is famous but she isn't so there isn't a lot of information about her. 

So, that's all for now
I hope you've enjoyed this weekend 




  1. I love so much this post about Santini jajaja, faraway my favourite one because I love her memes too


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