My favorite piece of technology

Hi everybody, now I'm gonna talk about my favorite piece of technology. I don't remember when I started to take photographs, but nowadays I enjoy it a lot.
I love traveling too, knowing diferents places and take tours, so when I travel or I'm having a good time, I like to capture the moment. If you haven't noticed yet, my favorite piece of technology is the camera, cameras are the best thing ever. 
Now I have a semi professional camera, and it's my travel partner. I don't use it a lot, in fact I just use it in special moments, because my cellphone has a good camera too, so it's not necesary to use it everyday.
My favorite pictures are about landscapes or photographic proyects like the ones I did at school, involving emotions and corporalaty like body parts, transmitting energy and feelings. 
Photography helps me a lot, and it's a beautiful way to express your feelings, I think that my life would be so boring without it, more when I'd like to take pictures to people I love and the beautiful places that I'd like visit it.

Gusbay jiji

                                                 (That's a picture I took somewhere in Cuba)


  1. Your picture it's amazing, it's so beautiful, you should take me pictures in the university haha.


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