Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Hi, its me -again-
When I was a child, i had always wanted to be veterinarian or lawyer… yes, both careers are so different, but I love animals and drama, so i always argued with my classmates when we were talking over anything. Then I understood that I was just grumpy and I wasn't interested seeing sick animals. 
When I gave Psu exam, I was so scared 'cause the score cuts around 695 points and sincerely I wasn't sure of my self :c , so I decided take other career options like sociology and law, 'cause I needed less math score to enter. But then I was finally accepted to study anthropology in the University of Chile.
When I was in second year of secondary school, I was made a essay about ethnocentrism because it was an interesting topic for me, then the miss told me about this career and I was so impressed and happy, I finally found the career that I was looking for.
My experiences in the university are been so weird, I don't know if I am a good student or not. It's totally different than school, but I'm happy 'cause I have wonderful friends and I love them so much. They are amazing and so intelligent. Girls if you read this, I want to tell you that i'm thankful to have find each other <3 (I'm so cute, i know).
Well, I don't know what I want to do with my life (work means), and I don't want think about it, but I would like do researches and travel jiji.

And thats all for now, I'll see you at my next blog!


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